
This is a platform (startup) where engineering students are onboarded to learn, create value, earn and give back. This is a Ripen and Idea integrated to serve to engineer. Students learn how to create value and innovate, then work as a team to design and innovate for organizations, earn and then give back to engineering education. From the funds given to education, Nigerian engineering students will be funded to spend a semester in a University in India, the USA, Canada, Germany, Finland, Australia, China, Japan, or the UK.

Science Application Program

This is the platform where science teachers will bring science home to the students. It involves researching how Nigerian cultures have been applying science, engineering, and mathematics without using scientific terms and mathematical modeling. Through the program we want science students to see science as a part of what they do every day and not as a foreign subject. Teams will visit Nigerian villages to create videos explaining the science behind the culture, write books on how scientific laws can be applied and create simple experiments. Students will get to know that mathematics makes science and science the foundation of engineering and when engineering applies scientific principles it produces technology.

Mentorship Experience

We will work with organizations in our focal areas to create a mentorship opportunity for Nigerian professional engineers to mentor students right on a project. The goal is for engineering students to gain experience in problem-solving, design, and project management while on a project. They will get to work as a team with a mentor. We believe that students learn better when they are involved in a project. Through this, they get to practice what they are taught in the classroom. We bridge the gap between theory taught in the classroom and practice in real-life projects to fully bake Nigerian engineers and make them globally competitive and collaborative.

Appropriate Technology Design

Through this, we design and develop processes and solutions that enhance human fulfillment by creating a capability that helps humans do more and achieve more. We partner with organizations and communities to develop technologies that are appropriate to their setting and location and sustainably solve the problem. Sustainability means using local materials, sensitive to environmental pollution, using renewable sources of energy, and recycling materials and waste wherever possible.


Our version of TEDx.

where we allow professional engineers to share with the world what they have been working on.

 SEED stands for Science, Education, and Engineering & Design. We want to bring Nigerian scientists and engineers who have worthy ideas and practices that will transform organizations and communities to share these ideas globally. Such a concept must have far-reaching impacts on science, education, engineering, and design.