We Provide

Design Club

The best place to start preparing students to be engineers is at the secondary school level. This is our teaching them young, after-school program. Students get introduced to basic scientific principles and how they can be applied in real life and using mathematical models to solve problems.

Students in this club get to learn coding, design skills, and science and math applications in real life. Every student in secondary school can be part. Their understanding of scientific principles can help them develop simple tools that can be used at home and in school. Training involves hands-on practice.

We Provide

Value-Added Engineering

There is a need for engineers to understand how to create value. Engineers should be value creators. Value creation is the performance of actions that increase the worth of resources. It is the summation of actions that enhance the significance of a resource or technology to humans. It is the activities that create a new form of wealth. Value creation is any given process or change to a resource that creates outputs and outcomes of greater importance or uselessness than the initial input.
We want Nigerian engineers to learn how to move resources from a lower level of productivity to a higher level of usefulness for people to use. We deliver this training to engineers working in organizations.
It’s a three-month training made up of seven modules. It’s experiential training. Participants will put the training to use and create value for the organization they work for to enhance the value of the process and products of the organization. Participants who deliver value to their organization will be certified Master Value Creators.

We Provide

Pre-Engineering Program

Engineers have a mindset and everyone getting into the engineering field need to develop this mindset. The world is changing and so also the way the engineering field is. Through this program, we prepare students who just completed their secondary school and desire to study engineering.
It’s a 6-9 months intensive on-site program that ends with students working as a team to apply scientific principles, mathematical models, and design thinking to solve problems related to UN Sustainable Development Goals. They learn product and UX design, innovation, marketing, business model design, and business development
When they get into University to study engineering, they become student members of EWB Nigeria and continue their education.

We Provide

Engineering Leadership

The major role of leaders is to develop more leaders. The greatest legacy of a leader is people who can do more and achieve more than them. When engineers get into management positions, they stop being engineers and act like managers. They don’t leave a legacy of impact and developing other engineers. Engineering Leadership is to ensure that engineers in leadership positions see themselves first as engineers and engineering leaders.
This program is for any professional engineer who joins EWB Nigeria. Here participants apply design thinking to leadership and how to treat people as humans and ensure that younger engineers are mentored to learn more, become more, and do more. We use the concept of Truly Human Leadership to equip professional engineers to be innovators and developers of people.
This is a three-month program that is experiential. Those who complete the requirement of the program will be certified as Master Engineering Leaders.

We Provide

Problem Solving For Engineers

Engineering is all about solving problems. Chemical engineers solve process problems. Electrical engineers solve electrical problems. Civil engineers solve structure and water problems. Mechanical engineers solve flow and mechanical problems. Through this program, we want to build engineers who solve problems for humans and with humans.
Every student member who joins us will go through this program. The EWB Nigeria way is the application of Design Thinking and system thinking to solve problems. Having an understanding of how to use design thinking is needed to be part of our team at the student level. It’s embedded in the registration of student members.
It’s a three-month program made up of one month of instruction and two months of real-life practical experience solving a problem in society. There are no exams. However, on presentation of the solution to a problem participants will be certified as Master Problem Solvers.